Some practical reasons men should start wearing skirts (again)

Any cursory research will reveal that male skirts were by no means unusual historically, so if we discard the notion that skirts are objectively feminine, what kinds of practical use could men gain from this kind of garment today? I can think of quite a few:

Folk dance is more fun

Sometime mid 2024 I went to a contra dance in Bristol and very much to my surprise most everyone was wearing a skirt regardless of gender. Why? Since trying it for myself the answer is obvious: contra is full of twirling and its much more fun to dance in clothes that move with you. It also changes how you dance, as you start looking for every opportunity to twirl.

The same holds true for other kinds of folk dance too, like ceilidh and balfolk.

Hot weather

Skirts of appropriate design and fabric weight are extremely comfortable in hot weather. Ventilation is nice and there's not much more to say.

Freedom of movement

A sufficiently full skirt allows practically unlimited range of motion. The only thing comparable are Lycra trousers or leggings, also uncommonly seen in men's clothing.

Sitting on the floor

Full skirts are also utterly great if you're someone that sits on the floor a lot, as they will drape over any posture and don't restrict your range of motion at all.

Fast rain cover

A long waterproof wrap skirt would be a very convenient and quick way to cover ones lower body if it starts raining: wrap, tie, done.

As someone who used to do a lot of countryside walking, waterproof trousers are super inconvenient due to needing to take ones shoes off to put many of them on or take them off. The only real disadvantage of a skirt would be in high winds.

Warm fluffy blanket

Wearing a full skirt of the right kind of material feels much like having a blanket attached to you. Its nice as you can drape it however you like, tuck under you to get warm. Or if its too hot, pulling it up is also super easy. Throw on a skirt over trousers for even more warmth.

Adjustability is a nice benefit of simpler draped clothes in general, with fitted clothes 'you get what you get'.

Easy cover up

A simple long-ish wrap skirt is a very convenient way of covering oneself for festival showers, beaches etc, and doesn't take up much space.

Reduced sensory annoyance

No inseam, reduced number of seams generally, less fabric touching the skin.

People will notice you

Its impossible to get away from the fact that skirts are viewed as feminine at the current point in time. A man who can wear a skirt confidently in public, with no intent of 'passing as a woman', is going to get noticed, and in my experience, not in a bad way.

I've received many comments of 'I love your skirt' in the short time I've been dancing in them. To do something that feels very taboo and see that many people absolutely don't care what you're wearing, and those who do are widely positive, is strangely confidence boosting.


I think its about time skirts start to be reintroduced as an option in men's clothing considering their practical advantages. It would also be a step towards breaking free of the dull conformist drudgery of male clothing over the past few hundred years. I'm far from the only one thinking that.

So if you'd want to try it for yourself, a kilt may be a good place to start if you want to stay within accepted menswear, or search google for men in skirts and see if any styles catch your attention.

It's worth mentioning that making skirts look good isn't just a matter of adding a skirt to your existing clothing, its important to consider how to style skirts considering the silhouette and balance of one's entire outfit, and if you search for 'styling skirts for men', there's some advice available.